AZA Safe

Program AZA Safe American Turtle Program North American turtle populations are declining rapidly due to habitat loss and degradation, road mortality, and nest predation from human subsidized predators. The additional loss of adult turtles from illegal collection for domestic and international trade has an enormous impact on the survival of these species. Due to their […]

Volunteer Science

Program Volunteer Science Conservation Action The Turtle Survival Alliance North American Freshwater Turtle Research Group (TSA-NAFTRG) is an undergraduate research experience/citizen scientist volunteer program directed by academic and non-academic professionals and committed to long-term turtle population monitoring. Spanning more than 20 years, this program is home to the 2nd longest ongoing study of turtles inhabiting […]


Program Madagascar Saving Turtles in Madagascar The over-arching goal of the Turtle Survival Alliance Madagascar program is to engage communities to protect tortoises in their native habitat, conserve forests through active management, dissuade poaching through revitalizing cultural traditions and holding those accountable who break them, seize and provide long-term care for illegally collected   tortoises, infiltrate […]

Indonesia | Sumatra

Program Indonesia | Sumatra Supporting Satucita Foundation’s Painted Terrapin Conservation Program Turtle Survival Alliance financially, logistically, and technically supports primary Sumatran partner Satucita Foundation’s Painted Terrapin conservation program in the provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra, Sumatra, Indonesia. This program, led by Joko Guntoro, performs nest patrols on beaches of Aceh Tamiang and Langkat regencies […]


Program Cambodia Conservation Action Turtle Survival Alliance works with the Wildlife Conservation Society to identify, translocate, and protect nests of the Southern River Terrapin in the Sre Ambel River. Hatchling terrapins from the last-known nesting beach of the species on the Sre Ambel River are transferred to the Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Centre for captive-rearing […]


Program Belize Saving the Central American River Turtle The Central American River Turtle is in decline across its range in Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize, and is listed as one of the top 25 most endangered species of freshwater turtle in the world. Turtle Survival Alliance and our partners work to ensure the long-term survival of […]


Program Bangladesh Chittagong Hill Tracts Bangladesh is home to 30 types of turtle and tortoise. Twenty-six (87%) of these are considered threatened with extinction. Located in the most remote corner of southeastern Bangladesh, the Chittagong Hill Tracts encompass 13,295 square kilometers (5,133 sq. mi) of rugged montane old-growth forest and are home to at least […]


Program Colombia Conservation Action Turtle Survival Alliance works with our principal partner in Colombia, Wildlife Conservation Society, to positively impact currently declining population trajectories of three Critically Endangered freshwater turtles across three primary eco regions, as well as several other at-risk species. To do this we identify and translocate naturally-occurring nests, release hatchlings, construct artificial […]