Indonesia | Sumatra
Supporting Satucita Foundation’s Painted Terrapin Conservation Program
Turtle Survival Alliance financially, logistically, and technically supports primary Sumatran partner Satucita Foundation’s Painted Terrapin conservation program in the provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra, Sumatra, Indonesia. This program, led by Joko Guntoro, performs nest patrols on beaches of Aceh Tamiang and Langkat regencies from December – February.
Nests located by the patrol teams are excavated and the eggs relocated to protected terrapin hatcheries in the villages of Pusung Kapal and Jaring Halus.
After hatching the young terrapins are reared for more than half a year to a size large enough to give them a better chance of survival in the wild. The
at their Painted Terrapin Information Centre in Pusung Kapal, ecotourism, and engaging coastal communities, including focused campaigns toward fishermen.
They also engage in waste cleanup and restoration of nesting beaches and coastal mangrove forests, rescue and provide aid to terrapins incidentally caught in fishing gear, assist in seizing illegally captured terrapins from black-market traders, and perform population monitoring surveys.

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Indonesia | Sumatra
Lead Partners and Supporters
Satucita Foundation, Natural Resources Conservation Agency of Indonesia (BBKSDA), District Government of Aceh Tamiang, District Government of Langkat, Houston Zoo, Synchronicity Earth, Asian Species Action Partnership, PT Pertamina
Program Team
Satucita Foundation
Satucita Foundation
Satucita Foundation