Turtle Survival Alliance
Turtle Survival Alliance
Corporate Partnership
Explore opportunities for a partnership with Turtle Survival Alliance to promote employee engagement and social responsibility within your company. The Alliance will tailor partnership details to best fit your goals. Find partnership benefits below.

Be a Part of the Solution
all us at 843-724-9763 or email Ratri Lertluksamupun, Director of Development, at development@turtlesurvival.org
Our Reach
Organic shared & owned media
Current email subscribers
Business and Corporate Sponsorship Levels
Exclusive Benefit
- Hands-on opportunity for company employees to participate as “citizen scientists” in turtle field research (limited to Florida, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington)
Naming Recognition
- Opportunity to name a turtle education ambassador for five (5) years
Print and Web
- Prominent company logo on the Turtle Survival Alliance website
- Full-page ad or acknowledgment in Turtle Survival magazine
- Company featured in a dedicated e-newsletter article about the partnership
- Logo collaboration on select Turtle Survival Alliance or Turtle Survival Center merchandise
- Series of three dedicated posts to Turtle Survival Alliance’s social media followers
- Opportunity to host an Instagram giveaway
- Private tour of the renowned Turtle Survival Center (not open to the public) and its collection of some of the most critically endangered turtle species in the world
- Registration for four (4) to attend the Turtle Survival Alliance’s Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles
- Opportunity to host a Drink Beer. Save Turtles.® event on behalf of Turtle Survival Alliance
Invitation to virtual events and webinars hosted by Turtle Survival Alliance
Exclusive Benefit
- Opportunity for a virtual or on-site educational presentation by the Turtle Survival Alliance featuring live animals (on-site presentations limited to South Carolina)
Naming Recognition
- Opportunity to name a turtle education ambassador for two (2) years
Print and Web
- Prominent company logo on the Turtle Survival Alliance website
- Half-page ad or acknowledgment in Turtle Survival magazine
- Company featured in a dedicated e-newsletter article about the partnership
- Logo collaboration on select Turtle Survival Alliance or Turtle Survival Center merchandise
- Series of three dedicated posts to Turtle Survival Alliance’s social media followers
- Opportunity to host an Instagram giveaway
- Semi-private tour of the renowned Turtle Survival Center (not open to the public) and its collection of some of the most critically endangered turtle species in the world
- Registration for two (2) to attend the Turtle Survival Alliance’s Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles
- Opportunity to host a Drink Beer. Save Turtles.® event on behalf of Turtle Survival Alliance
- Invitation to virtual events and webinars hosted by Turtle Survival Alliance
Naming Recognition
- Opportunity to name a turtle education ambassador for one (1) year
Print and Web
- Company logo on the Turtle Survival Alliance website
- Recognition in Turtle Survival magazine
- One dedicated post to Turtle Survival Alliance’s social media followers
- Group tour of the renowned Turtle Survival Center (not open to the public) and its collection of some of the most critically endangered turtle species in the world
- Discounted registration for the Turtle Survival Alliance’s Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles
- Opportunity to host a Drink Beer. Save Turtles.® event on behalf of Turtle Survival Alliance
- Invitation to virtual events and webinars hosted by Turtle Survival Alliance
Print and Web
- Company logo on the Turtle Survival Alliance website
- Recognition in Turtle Survival magazine
- Group tour of the renowned Turtle Survival Center (not open to the public) and its collection of some of the most critically endangered turtle species in the world
- Discounted registration for the Turtle Survival Alliance’s Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles
- Opportunity to host a Drink Beer. Save Turtles.® event on behalf of Turtle Survival Alliance
- Invitation to virtual events and webinars hosted by Turtle Survival Alliance
Custom and In-Kind Partnerships
An in-kind sponsorship is a great way to introduce your products and/or services to a diverse audience while supporting a great cause.
Needs vary from year to year, but generally include items such as:
- Commercial shipments of fresh leafy greens for the animals
- New outdoor apparel for animal keepers and field representatives
- Industrial field equipment to maintain 51 acres of Turtle Survival Center grounds
- Special event hosting, event rental items, catering
- Marketing and promotional materials, etc.
In-kind sponsors providing donations with a value equivalent to a sponsorship level will receive benefits for that sponsorship level.