Four-eyed Turtle

Very little information has been documented about this shy species. Four-eyed Turtles are a secretive animal, with primary activity closely associated with dawn, dusk, and nocturnal hours. They are not a highly-active species, spending much of their time in a resting state in their shallow-water habitats. They are omnivorous, feeding on annelid worms, crustaceans, fish, […]
Arakan Forest Turtle

The turtles appear to move very little during the dry season, and then become extremely active at the onset of the annual monsoon in late May or early June. During the wet season, movements of several kilometers have been reported.
Dahl’s Toad-headed Turtle

On Tuesday, December 17, 2019, a 120-hectare (296 acre) parcel of habitat was acquired in San Benito Abad, Sucre, Colombia. This first of it’s kind reserve gives this little turtle a real fighting chance for survival and gives managers an opportunity to restore a genetically healthy and thriving wild population.
Painted Terrapin

The European term terrapin is believed to phonetically originate from torope, the word for turtle in the Powhatan tribe of the indigenous Algonquin peoples of coastal Virginia, United States. It would later be applied to the box turtle genus Terrapene, and to the Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin), the only turtle in the world to exclusively […]
Rote Island Snake-necked Turtle

The Rote Island Snake-necked Turtle (Chelodina mccordi) is endemic to the tiny island of Rote in Indonesia. There, intensive collection for the international pet trade has led to presumed extinction of the wild population. Now, it’s one of the most endangered turtles in the world. The Rote Island Snake-necked turtle is a side-necked turtle, meaning […]
Radiated Tortoise

Madagascar’s Radiated Tortoise (Astrochelys radiata), was once one of the most abundant tortoises on earth, with an estimated historic population of 12 million tortoises. Protected over the years by a strong cultural taboo among the local tribes known as “fady”, sadly this custom has broken down due to an influx of outsiders to the region, […]