Statement Regarding the Sexual Harassment Allegations Levelled Against Dr. Shailendra Singh

March 19, 2023 – Turtle Survival Alliance’s Chair of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee, Heather Barrett, released the following statement regarding the sexual harassment allegations that have been levelled against Dr. Shailendra Singh. “We have been following the recent social media posts and have received direct contact from one individual alleging inappropriate behavior […]

Asian Giant Tortoises Return to the Chattogram Hill Tracts of Bangladesh


For Immediate Release CONTACT: JORDAN GRAY, Turtle Survival Alliance, (912) 659-0978, Ten captive-bred Asian Giant Tortoises released into community-managed forest in Chattogram Hill Tracts, Bangladesh.Release represents first-ever rewilding of a Critically Endangered tortoise species in the country.Post-release animal movement and survival monitoring will be performed by reformed hunters from indigenous communities trained as parabiologists […]

Kentucky man illegally sold large numbers of turtles bound for China

Kentucky turtles

“Eastern Box Turtles are protected from commercial trade in every state in which they naturally occur, but with their colorful markings, they are valued in the pet trade, with China and Taiwan as particular destinations, said Jordan Gray, a biologist with the South Carolina-based¬†Turtle Survival Alliance. The turtle is increasingly a species of concern for […]

1,000 Radiated Tortoises Return to the Wild

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For Immediate Release A Thousand Radiated Tortoises Return to the Wild in Madagascar August 9, 2021 CONTACT: Amy Carter, Turtle Survival Alliance, (843) 608-9369, 1,000 Radiated Tortoises seized from illegal trafficking returned to the wild in Madagascar.Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) and Madagascar’s Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development initiate ‚ Confiscation to Reintroduction Strategy.’Pilot […]

In Loving Memory of Chuck Schaffer (1956 – 2021)


Recently, the turtle conservation community lost another of its most passionate contributors and beloved friends. On Thursday, July 1, 2021, Chuck Schaffer passed away peacefully at his home in Jacksonville, Florida‚Äîhis family by his side. The news of Chuck’s passing was hard-hitting as he was a treasured and integral member of our collective turtle conservation […]

Conservation professionals agree: U.S. turtles are under siege from illegal collection

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Conservationists offers resounding warning about the risks posed to native turtle species due to illegal collection and trafficking Contacts: Scott Buchanan, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management; 401-782-3720; Dave Collins, AZA SAFE: American Turtle Program; Jennifer Sevin, University of Richmond Biology Department; 305-542-0383; More than 650 conservation professionals and 37 conservation organizations […]

Turtle Survival Alliance Catalogues Milestone 100th Alligator Snapping Turtle in Buffalo Bayou


For Immediate Release May 6, 2021 CONTACT: JORDAN GRAY, Turtle Survival Alliance, (912) 659-0978, 00th Alligator Snapping Turtle captured, tagged, and released in Buffalo Bayou Buffalo Bayou serves as a metropolitan refuge for this Texas State Threatened speciesBuffalo Bayou’s population of Alligator Snapping Turtles may be one of the densest and most demographically significant […]

Remembering the Confiscation Crisis Three Years Later


By Jordan Gray Three years ago this week, TSA faced a crisis of epic proportions. This moment in time would become a poignant reiteration of TSA’s ability to take swift and decisive action in the midst of a chelonian crisis. This crisis, however, was different from any others before it in our organization’s history in […]

Rescued Turtles Produce Hatchlings

by: Heather Lowe In October 2010, the TSA imported a group of 50 yellow-headed temple turtles (Heosemys annandalii) that had been confiscated from a large illegal shipment in Hong Kong (read the full story on the import here). The turtles are being kept in an assurance colony at a private facility owned by TSA member […]

Spring Campaign

Springtime is an amazing time to be a part of turtle conservation. ‘Tis the season for turtles to emerge from their winter hideaways, hatch from overwintered nests, and get on the move in the northern hemisphere! We’re starting a new tradition of supporting the world’s turtles and tortoises together for a month every spring. From […]