Spotted Box Turtle

Spotted Box Turtles prefer oak savannas and pine-oak woodlands at higher elevations, but are also found in the tropical dry forest at lower elevations. They are terrestrial and associated with hill-slopes with complex understory vegetation. They have been documented eating dung beetles, mushrooms, and herbaceous vegetation. 

Central American River Turtle

The Hicatee is a fully aquatic species that spends nearly 100% of its time in water. It is so adapted for an aqueous life that the Hicatee can barely move on land, let alone even hold its head up. They are primarily active during nocturnal and crepuscular hours, spending the day sleeping in deeper holes […]


Program Mexico Supporting Students Conserving Nature (Estudiantes Conservando La Naturaleza) The Turtle Survival Alliance-supported Students Conserving Nature (Estudiantes Conservando La Naturaleza) is led by Taggert Butterfield and Alejandra Monsiváis and serves to study the ecology of threatened and poorly known species of tortoise and freshwater and terrestrial turtle inhabiting ecoregions of the Pacific Coast and […]