Painted Terrapin

The European term terrapin is believed to phonetically originate from torope, the word for turtle in the Powhatan tribe of the indigenous Algonquin peoples of coastal Virginia, United States. It would later be applied to the box turtle genus Terrapene, and to the Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin), the only turtle in the world to exclusively […]

Indonesia | Sumatra

Program Indonesia | Sumatra Supporting Satucita Foundation’s Painted Terrapin Conservation Program Turtle Survival Alliance financially, logistically, and technically supports primary Sumatran partner Satucita Foundation’s Painted Terrapin conservation program in the provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra, Sumatra, Indonesia. This program, led by Joko Guntoro, performs nest patrols on beaches of Aceh Tamiang and Langkat regencies […]