Asian Giant Tortoise

The Asian Giant Tortoise is the largest tortoise in Asia, growing up to 61 cm (24 in) in shell length and weighing up to 35 kg (77 lbs.). It is considered to be of one of the oldest tortoise lineages in the world. Native to tropical and subtropical hill forests of Bangladesh, Brunei, India, Indonesia, […]
Arakan Forest Turtle

The turtles appear to move very little during the dry season, and then become extremely active at the onset of the annual monsoon in late May or early June. During the wet season, movements of several kilometers have been reported.

Program Bangladesh Chittagong Hill Tracts Bangladesh is home to 30 types of turtle and tortoise. Twenty-six (87%) of these are considered threatened with extinction. Located in the most remote corner of southeastern Bangladesh, the Chittagong Hill Tracts encompass 13,295 square kilometers (5,133 sq. mi) of rugged montane old-growth forest and are home to at least […]