Cristina A. Jones

Cristina A. Jones received her B.S. in Wildlife Science and M.S. in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Arizona. Her thesis research focused on evaluating the prevalence of Mycoplasma agassizii in wild and captive Sonoran desert tortoises in Arizona. She held the position of Turtles Project Coordinator with the Arizona Game and Fish Department from 2006 – […]
Patricia Koval, Chair

Patricia A. Koval is a corporate director and lawyer based in Toronto, Canada. She recently retired as a Senior Partner of Torys LLP, where she practised as a corporate, securities and governance lawyer. As well, Pat was an Adjunct Professor at University of Toronto Law School, and she currently serves on its Environmental Finance […]
Ilana Miller

Ilana Miller is a lawyer based in New York City with 12+ years of experience as a business litigator and general counsel. She has represented plaintiffs and defendants in high-stakes litigation and regulatory investigations, including novel constitutional claims, employment disputes, insurance matters, complex commercial claims, class actions, and consumer protection matters. Ilana has also served […]
John Mitchell

John is an Adjunct Scientist at the New York Botanical Garden and Research Associate at the Smithsonian Institution – National Museum of Natural History. He is the former Chairman of the Beneficia Foundation and now serves on the Board of Directors of Bat Conservation International, Rainforest Trust, (where he is also Chair Emeritus), Global Wildlife […]
Russell A. Mittermeier

Russell A. Mittermeier is currently Chief Conservation Officer of Re:wild. Prior to this position, he served for three years as Executive Vice Chair at Conservation International and as President of that organization from 1989 to 2014. Mittermeier was born in New York City, grew up on Long Island, and received his doctorate in biological anthropology […]
Hugh Quinn, Ph.D

Hugh Quinn holds a PhD in Biology and has spent his career in zoos: as Supervisor of Education at the Fort Worth Zoo, Zoological Curator at the Oklahoma City Zoo, Curator of Herpetology at the Houston Zoo, Director at the Topeka Zoo, and finally as General Curator at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo (retired). Hugh currently […]
Anders G.J. Rhodin, M.D.

Anders G.J. Rhodin is an orthopedic surgeon as well as a turtle researcher and conservationist. Born in Sweden, he immigrated to the USA in 1958, received a B.A. from Dartmouth in 1971, an M.D. from the University of Michigan in 1977, did orthopedic surgical residency training at Yale, and was in private medical practice in […]
Frank Slavens

Frank Slavens retired in 2001 as Curator of Reptiles from the Woodland Park Zoo (WPS) in Seattle WA where he worked for 30 years. While at the WPS, Frank produced numerous editions of his book Reptiles and Amphibians in Captivity, a series of annually produced inventories of the world’s reptiles and amphibians in captive collections. […]