TSA’s 10 Ways YOU Can Help Turtles For Earth Week!

TSA Earth Day FINAL|TSA Earth Week FINAL

1. Help a turtle cross the road! It’s springtime and turtles will likely be crossing a road near you. Safely move the turtle to the other side of the road in the direction it was heading. 2. Support or start a local turtle conservation project near you! There are 469 types of turtles and tortoises […]

Faces of the TSA! Volume 12


by¬†Jordan Gray Who:¬†Christina Castellano What:¬†Vice President & Chief Science Officer, Utah’s Hogle Zoo Where:¬†Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Jordan Gray: What is your earliest childhood memory with a turtle or tortoise? Christina Castellano:¬†I was born in the Bronx and grew up just north of Manhattan. Like most city dwellers, my love of animals started with […]

Faces of the TSA! Volume 15


by¬†Jordan Gray Who:¬†Jan Holloway (Left) and Janet Fincannon (Right) What:¬†Administrative Coordinator (Jan) and Program Assistant (Janet) Where:¬†Charleston, South Carolina, USA Jordan Gray: What is your earliest childhood memory with a turtle or tortoise? Jan Holloway:¬†I was a super lucky kid growing up. We lived on about 80 acres in a very rural area of upstate […]

Riverbanks Zoo and the TSA partnering for Sulawesi Forest Turtles (WIS NEWS 10)


By Mary King | February 28, 2019 COLUMBIA, SC – You’ve never seen them on exhibit, but for years Riverbanks Zoo has been working to help ensure the survival of a critically endangered turtle species. The species is called the Sulawesi Forest Turtle and is only found on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. (Continue […]

Rescuing Reptiles in Myanmar (Smithsonian National Zoo Animal News)


In Myanmar, reptiles are rapidly disappearing‚Äîthe result of poaching and other threats. The good news: all hope is not lost for critically endangered turtles. Rescue facilities across the country, supported by the Turtle Survival Alliance, are working to save these species from extinction…….. Click HERE for the rest from the Smithsonian Zoo’s Animal News!

“It’s the First Time Any Western Chelonian Researchers have Encountered Forsten’s Tortoises in the Wild!”¬†


¬† Christine Light (Sulawesi Chelonian Conservation Program Coordinator) and Cris Hagen (TSA’s Turtle Survival Center Director of Animal Management) are currently on Sulawesi Island, Indonesia conducting surveys for endemic chelonians. Their¬†counterparts from Tadulako University (UNTAD) in Central Sulawesi, Dr. Jusri Nilawati and Dr. Fadly Y. Tantu have found Forsten’s Tortoises in the wild before. Christine […]

Rote Island Snake-necked Turtles Hatch at the TSC

Hatchling Chelodina mccordi_Cris Hagen

By Cris Hagen The Turtle Survival Center is proud to announce its first ever captive breeding of the critically endangered Rote Island Snake-necked Turtle (Chelodina mccordi). The success of this reproduction is particularly important to the studbook management of this species because it represents a completely new bloodline to the captive population. The male and […]

A Special Moment in Time with the World’s Rarest Turtle

Rafetus Snorkeling FINAL

By Clinton Doak When asked, many people will tell you that the happiest day of their lives is either their wedding day or the day their children were born. Truly momentous events in our life are few and far between, and, for some of us, a unique wildlife encounter can certainly rank as equally life-changing. […]

Team Effort Progresses Conservation for the Southern River Terrapin in Cambodia

Cristina and XX FINAL

By Clinton Doak, Andrew Walde, and Jordan Gray The Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Center (KKRCC) in Koh Kong Province, Cambodia, officially opened in November 2017. Begun as an initiative of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and The Royal Government of Cambodia’s Fisheries Administration (FiA), this facility is the only of its kind for breeding and […]