2020 – Year of the Turtle – Saving Turtles Together


By David Hedrick The Turtle Survival Alliance was born from the concept of “Saving Turtles Together”‚Äîbuilding a global community working to prevent the extinction of turtles and tortoises. Now more than ever, these partnerships are the key to successful conservation and research. This year we are partnering with the Tennessee Aquarium and Peppermint Narwhal Creative, […]

Royal Turtles Released in Cambodia


By WCS-Cambodia On Jan 10, 2020, our partners WCS Cambodia, the Department of Fisheries Conservation of Fisheries Administration, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, in collaboration with Wildlife Reserves Singapore (WRS), released 20 critically endangered Royal Turtles (Batagur affinis) into the Sre Ambel River system in Dong Peng commune, Sre Ambel district, Koh Kong Province, […]

Your Support Saves Turtles

Nilsonnia gangetica

We exceeded our end of year fundraising goal with your help. YOU raised over $50,000 to secure the $50,000 match from San Diego Zoo Global & the TSA Board of Directors! That’s over 100,000 Turtle Conservation Dollars! Thank you for your generosity. Read the story below from the Auckland Zoo to see just one of […]

Rare Turtles Rescued in Bangladesh


By Shahriar Caesar Rahman and Jordan Gray To conserve Bangladesh’s tortoises and freshwater turtles, our partner, the Creative Conservation Alliance (CCA) is aligning in situ (in their place in nature) and ex situ (outside their place in nature) conservation approaches. In the Chittagong Hill Tracts, a rugged and remote region of southeastern Bangladesh, the CCA […]

Burmese Roofed Turtles Return to the Wild

by¬†Steve Platt (WCS Myanmar)¬† Kalyar Platt (TSA Myanmar) and I returned to Yangon this week after spending two and a half months undertaking what can only be described as one of the most rewarding experiences of our professional careers ‚Äì the reintroduction of 60 head-started Burmese Roofed Turtles (Batagur trivittata) into two rivers in western […]

Ornate Diamondback Terrapin Study Gets Off to a Mucky Start

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By Brett Bartek I wasn’t really sure what to expect this past Saturday morning. It was 55¬∞ Fahrenheit, overcast, and windy‚Äîfreezing for Florida! I met up with Mike Mills (Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation), a willing participant (for now) in this endeavor, at the undisclosed park’s ranger station at 10 AM. Here, we were going to attempt […]

Endangered Turtles Hatched at Columbus Zoo in Breeding Milestone


In 2010, the Columbus Zoo helped fly 85 Yellow-headed Temple Turtles to permanent homes in the U.S. and Europe. The turtles were part of an illegal shipment of more than 1,300 turtles seized en route to food markets in China. The Columbus Zoo provided an emergency grant to the Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA), which placed […]

Saving Turtles and a Culture, One Thread at a Time


By Arpita Dutta and Jordan Gray The Brahmaputra Floodplain of Northeast India represents one of the most important regions for turtle diversity on Earth. Here, waters originating from the Tibetan Himalayas flow through various ecoregions, bringing vital nutrients, and carving a path that shapes the environment and its inhabitants, both animal and human. As unique […]

190 Radiated Tortoises Rescued!


Busted! 190 Radiated Tortoises (Astrochelys radiata) have been saved thanks to quick action by TSA-Madagascar Law Enforcement Officer Sylvain Mahazotahy, the Chef Cantonnement of Forestry of Antanimora Sud, and officers of the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD). On Wednesday evening, Mahazotahy and the Chef Cantonnement of Forestry were in the Jafaro Commune […]

190 Rescued Radiated Tortoises Arrive at TCC!


**Update – 190 Radiated Tortoises Safely Arrive at the Tortoise Conservation Centre** We are happy to announce that the 190 Radiated Tortoises (Astrochelys radiata) saved from illegal meat market trafficking have arrived safely at our Tortoise Conservation Centre, and are doing well! The 165 adult and 35 juvenile tortoises were rescued in a tense bust […]

Pilibhit Tiger Reserve’s Field Director H Rajamohan Proposes Study on Aquatic Biodiversity

Shai and Batagur kachuga

The study will cover migratory birds, aquatic animals, especially turtles, and the wetlands. Explaining the need for an integrated research programme on aquatic diversity, India Program Director of Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA), a US-based NGO, Shailendra Singh said, “Wetlands are the basic means of survival for not only aquatic creatures, but also migratory birds. These […]


Dahl's Transparency + Land for Website|Dahls-Transparency-Land

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Turtle Survival Alliance partnered with Rainforest Trust and the Wildlife Conservation Society to secure 120 hectares (296 acres) of land to protect a population of the critically endangered Dahl’s Toad-headed Turtle (Mesoclemmys dahli) and develop a genetic rescue program to mitigate the effects of habitat loss. Charleston, South Carolina ‚Äì The […]