**Update – 190 Radiated Tortoises Safely Arrive at the Tortoise Conservation Centre**

We are happy to announce that the 190 Radiated Tortoises (Astrochelys radiata) saved from illegal meat market trafficking have arrived safely at our Tortoise Conservation Centre, and are doing well!

The 165 adult and 35 juvenile tortoises were rescued in a tense bust Wednesday night thanks to quick action by TSA-Madagascar Law Enforcement Officer Sylvain Mahazotahy, the Chef Cantonnement of Forestry of Antanimora Sud, and officers of the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD). Six men were apprehended in the bust and are now in jail.

The TSA would like to thank the Chef Cantonnement of Forestry of Antanimora Sud, MEDD, and Beraketa gendarmes for their assistance and support in the operation.

The tortoises will now reside at the TCC with the thousands of other tortoises rescued from black-market trade. To help care for them and assist us in fighting against tortoise poaching in Madagascar, please consider DONATING TODAY!

Photo credits: Christel Griffioen