Turtle Survival Center
Located in Cross, South Carolina, the Turtle Survival Center (TSC) was founded to support our mission of zero turtle extinctions worldwide. Since 2013, we have established scientifically managed populations of critically endangered species and provided involvement opportunities for turtle conservationists of all ages.
The TSC is home to more than 750 turtles and tortoises, including 23 of the world’s most endangered species. Here, the species maintained for population management have been carefully chosen based on conservation status, lack of effective protection in the wild, poor history of captive-breeding success, and ability to thrive in South Carolina’s mild, subtropical climate.

Our Approach
We believe that, when appropriate, ex situ (in captivity) conservation should be used to support in situ (in nature) conservation. We seek to accomplish this by integrating TSC programs with our field programs, as well as those of our partner organizations and governments. Providing viable options for the future, offspring produced from our breeding programs can be used for wild population augmentation or reintroduction.

Species at the TSC
- Rote Island Snake-necked Turtle (Chelodina mccordi)
- Southeast Asian Box Turtle (Cuora amboinensis)
- Yellow-headed Box Turtle (Cuora aurocapitata)
- Bourret’s Box Turtle (Cuora bourreti)
- Vietnamese Three-striped Box Turtle (Cuora cyclornata)
- Yellow-margined Box Turtle (Cuora flavomarginata)
- Indochinese Box Turtle (Cuora galbinifrons)
- McCord’s Box Turtle (Cuora mccordi)
- Keeled Box Turtle (Cuora mouhotii)
- Pan’s Box Turtle (Cuora pani)
- Southern Vietnam Box Turtle (Cuora picturata)
- Chinese Three-striped Box Turtle (Cuora trifasciata)
- Zhou’s Box Turtle (Cuora zhoui)
- Burmese Star Tortoise (Geochelone platynota)
- Arakan Forest Turtle (Heosemys depressa)
- Spiny Turtle (Heosemys spinosa)
- Forsten’s Tortoise (Indotestudo forstenii)
- Sulawesi Forest Turtle (Leucocephalon yuwonoi)
- Asian Giant Tortoise (Manouria emys phayrei)
- Vietnamese Pond Turtle (Mauremys annamensis)
- Red-necked Pond Turtle (Mauremys nigricans)
- Chinese Stripe-necked Turtle (Mauremys sinensis)
- Big-headed Turtle (Platysternon megacephalum)
- Beale’s Eyed Turtle (Sacalia bealei)
- Flattened Musk Turtle (Sternotherus depressus)
The TSC offers internship opportunities for students age 18 and up. Explore our current internship listings at the link below.


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