TSA President Visits Project Sites in Myanmar
by Rick Hudson TSA President Rick Hudson recently visited Myanmar to evaluate the TSA’s conservation programs there. This is his trip report – enjoy! I arrived in Bangkok on 24 September, overnighted, and flew into Mandalay the next day. I was met by Dr. Kalyar Platt, Director of TSA’s Turtle Conservation Program, and her colleagues […]
Turning the Tide: The Northern River Terrapin and the Race Against Extinction

From Roundglass Sustain: By Radhika Raj, How a conservationist and his team in the Sundarbans brought the Northern River Terrapin, one of the most endangered turtle species in the world, back from the brink… On the night before Holi, as the country prepared for the festival of colours, Shailendra Singh sat on a lonely motorboat […]
Agencies working towards making Haiderpur wetland in west Uttar Pradesh a Ramsar site

By Deepanwita Gita Niyogi, writing in, Down To Earth “An important wetland such as this which falls in the Ganga basin should be protected at all costs so that biodiversity can be conserved,” Shailendra Singh of non-profit Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA)-India, said. TSA is conducting a survey of river turtles in Haidepur to assess their […]
Tricarinate Hill Turtles Rescued and Released

By Dr. Shailendra Singh, Jordan Gray, Arunima Singh, and Rishika Dubla Turtle trade is a serious problem in the northern states of India, and at crisis-level in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The TSA-India program has been working relentlessly with local law enforcement, the Forestry and Wildlife Department, and a Special Task Force to curb […]
Monumental Radiated Tortoise Seizure!

by Jordan Gray Breaking News – Nearly 11,000 Radiated Tortoises Seized in Madagascar! A confiscation of monumental proportions, and the largest for tortoises or freshwater turtles in the history of the Turtle Survival Alliance has occurred in Madagascar. On the night of April 10, 2018, TSA staff were alerted to a confiscation of 10,976 Radiated […]
Legendary Turtle Dies in Vietnam
The Turtle Survival Alliance has confirmed that one of the world’s four known remaining Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtles (Rafetus swinhoei), has died in Vietnam. This turtle ‚Äì believed to be a male – was highly revered in Vietnam and was a long-time occupant of Hoan Kiem Lake in the heart of downtown Hanoi. Sightings of […]
30 Royal Turtles Hatch in Cambodia!

Koh Kong, Cambodia – Thirty Royal Turtle babies hatched in an artificial sand bank at the Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Center (KKRCC) last week. This is the second time that Royal Turtles have laid eggs in captivity in Cambodia. “The hatching of these turtles underscores the importance of building breeding colonies of at-risk species in […]
Radio-tracking Radiated Tortoises – Travel Blog Vol. 3

April 2, 2022 By Brett Bartek After returning from Lavanono we spent three more days at the tortoise release site. With all of the hard work complete, we were left with the fun work of simply trying to locate all of our transmittered tortoises one last time before the TSA staff whom we trained return […]
Dermatemys Program Coordinator

Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) and Belize Foundation for Research and Environmental Education (BFREE), in furthering our conservation goals for the Central American River Turtle (Dermatemys mawii), are excited to announce Dr. Raymon Edward “Ed” Boles as the first Dermatemys Program Coordinator. This newly created position within the BFREE organization aims to advance our collaborative Central […]