Clemmys guttata
Spotted Turtle

    • Habitat:
      - Swamps
      - Marshes
      - Small, slow-moving streams
      - Temporary wetlands
      - Forested floodplains
      - Meadows
    • Threats:
      - Habitat destruction, alteration, and fragmentation
      - Collection for the pet trade
      - Road and railroad mortality
      - Increased predation by mammalian predators
    • Conservation Efforts:
      - Captive breeding
      - Reintroduction programs
      - Field survey and monitoring
      - Protected at the state level throughout its range in the United States
      - Federally protected in Canada
      - CITES Appendix II
    • Wild Population:
      - Decreasing
      - Most Populations are small and thus sensitive to localized extinction
      - Distribution is localized to preferred habitat
    • Endangered Status:

Fast Facts

-Jet-black carapace smattered with bright yellow dots.

Species Snapshot