Mauremys Monday!!! Species Spotlight!
Common name: Red-necked Pond Turtle
Scientific name: Mauremys nigricans
Countries of origin: China
Habitat: Mountain and hill streams in dense evergreen forests
Threats: Habitat destruction and degradation; collection for the food, pet, and medicinal trades; genetic pollution through hybridization
Wild Population: No wild specimens known to science; presumed extinct in the wild
Conservation: Captive breeding and assurance colonies; genetic management; field surveys; protected in the wild in China; CITES Appendix II
You can help us care for Red-necked Pond Turtles at our Turtle Survival Center by donating to our Turtle Month campaign today!
Graphic: Jordan Gray
Turtle Photo: Cris Hagen, Allwetterzoo Münster
**Turtle Survival Alliance strives to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please contact Jordan Gray at**