Allison Alberts, PhD

Dr. Allison Alberts is a conservation science leader with more than 30 years experience working globally to save endangered species. In 2020, she retired from San Diego Zoo Global, where she served as Chief Conservation and Research Officer. Allison is co-founder of the IUCN Iguana Specialist Group and serves on the IUCN Conservation Planning Specialist […]

Heather Barrett

Heather Barrett is Deputy Director for the BFREE Biological Field Station and Privately Protected Area located in southern Belize. She received an M.A. from the University of Florida and then spent several years exploring possible career choices: from representing artisans in the Bahamas to teaching aspiring public health professionals in New Orleans to farming biodynamic […]

Becca Cozad

Becca received her Masters from the University of Georgia for investigating health and disease in translocated gopher tortoises. She is currently a research biologist at Nokuse Plantation, a private conservation preserve in the Florida panhandle, where she primarily works with translocated gopher tortoises and restoring longleaf pine habitat. Becca is also heavily involved with and holds […]

Josh Dale

Josh Dale is a finance professional based in New York City. After a short stint in management consulting, he started his banking career in 2007, working both as a lender and financial advisor across multiple sectors and regions. For nearly a decade now, he has been focused exclusively on financing renewable energy projects. While most […]

Andy Daneault

Andy Daneault has a long-standing interest with reptiles and amphibians and has worked with them professionally in zoologically managed settings for over 20 years. Andy is currently Animal Operations Manager/Curator of Ectotherms at Disney’s Animal Kingdom where he focuses his efforts on managing the living collection, staff, and conservation initiatives. He also serves as a […]

Bill Dennler

Bill began his 33 year zoo career as a Keeper at the Cincinnati Zoo in 1972 and then moved to the Toledo Zoo in 1975 as the Curator of Reptiles and Amphibians. He became the Zoo’s Executive Director in 1981 – a position he held until retiring in late 2005 and now is the Director […]

Michael Fouraker

The Fort Worth Zoo’s Executive Director, Michael Fouraker, has been with the Zoo since 1993 and has more than 40 years of animal, conservation, and zoo management expertise.  He has focused his career on building partnerships that support global conservation initiatives.  Michael’s field experience includes work in Africa, India, South America, North America and throughout […]

Mike Gibbons

Mike Gibbons has spent a lifetime around turtles, albeit in a volunteer capacity. He began helping on his father’s turtle studies as a small child, and has continued to this day taking part in numerous amphibian and reptile volunteer initiatives. In his professional world, he is the Vice President of Corporate Strategies for Trident United […]

Kim Gray

Kim Gray is currently San Diego Zoo Global’s Curator of Herpetology & Ichthyology where she manages one of the world’s largest and most diverse living herpetological collections. Kim has over 27 years’ experience working at Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) facilities. Kim has managed and helped establish head-start programs for green sea turtles and […]

Tim Gregory, PhD

Tim Gregory retired in 2007 after 24 years in the biopharmaceutical industry. His primary area of research was vaccine development for the prevention of HIV infection and AIDS, and he has more than 75 peer reviewed publications to his name. He was progressively promoted to positions of increased responsibility, to Staff Scientist and Senior Director […]

Rick Hudson

Rick Hudson earned a degree Biology from the University of Richmond in 1977 and has been employed by the Fort Worth Zoo for the past 42 years. He was a Curator in the Fort Worth Zoo’s renown Department of Herpetology for twenty years, before moving to the zoo’s Conservation & Science Department in 2000 as […]

John Iverson

John B. Iverson holds a PhD in Biology from the University of Florida and is Biology Research Professor at Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana. Because of his interests in the natural history, ecology, and evolution of iguanas and turtles, he is currently on the steering committees (and founding member) of the IUCN/SSC Iguana Specialist Group, […]