Faces of Turtle Conservation: Tabitha Hootman

Tabitha Hootman and Paul Dunn (webslider)|Tabitha-Hootman-2022|Snorkeling-Springs-in-December-2021|Tabitha-Hootman-and-Paul-Dunn

Who: Tabitha Hootman What: North American Freshwater Turtle Research Group, North Florida Program Leader Where: Jacksonville, Florida Tabitha, you were recently named as the North Florida Program Leader for the TSA’s North American Freshwater Turtle Research Group. Could you please tell us more about what this group does and your goals as Program Leader going […]

The Gift of Freedom!

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On Saturday, December 25th, our TSA India Program gave the gift of freedom to 259 freshwater turtles- rewilding them to the Gomti and Sarju rivers of northern India. TSA partners Uttar Pradesh Police’s Special Task Force and Uttar Pradesh Forest Department seized the turtles from wildlife traffickers just over a month ago. The seized turtles […]

Columbus Zoo and Aquarium Honors Conservationist Rick Hudson with Prestigious Award and $50K Grant

Columbus Zoo Award_Rick Hudson_web slider copy|Columbus-Zoo|Rick-Columbus-Zoo-Award-2|Rick-Hudson_Photo-credit-to-Herilala-Randriamahazo.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT:Nicolle Gómez RaceyColumbus Zoo and AquariumVice President, Communications and MarketingOffice: 614-645-3411Cell: 614-843-3611nicolle.racey@columbuszoo.org Jen FieldsColumbus Zoo and AquariumDirector of CommunicationsOffice: 614-645-3579Cell: 614-595-8989jen.fields@columbuszoo.org Avery ElanderFort Worth ZooDirector of Communicationsaelander@fortworthzoo.org Powell, OH- The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium is proud to name Rick Hudson as the recipient of the Zoo’s 2021 Commitment to Conservation Award. Hudson […]

Species Spotlight: Pink-ringed Tent Turtle

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Ping-ringed Tent Turtle (Pangshura tentoria circumdata) Countries of Origin: India, Nepal IUCN Status: Least Concern Habitat: Large to small rivers of northern India and southern Nepal including the Chambal, Ganges, Ghaghra, Hindon, Koshi, and Yamuna Size: Males ‚⧠8 cm (3.1 in.); Females ‚⧠27 cm (10.6 in.) Factoids: – Named for the pink coloration […]

Saving Batagur Baska


After the release of the report, conservationists and teams of the TSA were set on a single mission: To find and rescue Batagur baska! In 2008, TSA India’s Dr. Shailendra Singh had an epiphany… (Read the full article by Ayushi Calyani in the Madras Courier HERE)

Zoo Knoxville and Turtle Survival Alliance Awarded $50,000 Grant To Return Rescued Tortoises To The Wild In Madagascar


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASECONTACT: TINA ROLEN, ZOO KNOXVILLEtrolen@zooknoxville.org/865.919.1240 RICK HUDSON, TURTLE SURVIVAL ALLIANCErhudson@fortworthzoo.org /817.343.7380 Knoxville, Tenn. (March 3, 2020), Zoo Knoxville and the Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) have been awarded a $50,000 grant to support the return of 1,000 critically endangered Radiated Tortoises (Astrochelys radiata) rescued from illegal wildlife trafficking operations to the wild in Madagascar. […]