Save the date. Giving Tuesday is December 1st.
Two weeks from today TSA will launch our 2020 campaign for Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving held every year on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving. If you are in a position to give this year, please help us reach our goal to raise $20,000 in one day for global turtle conservation.
We know you can help us achieve this goal. Thanks to a generous $10,000 match from Zoo Med Laboratories, your donations on December 1st will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $10,000.
Gifts from supporters like you have helped TSA set multiple species at imminent risk of extinction on the road to recovery. So, please, help us continue to do this work. A gift of $10, $20, or even $100 can make a real difference for highly threatened turtles and tortoises across the globe. Together, let’s give them a fighting chance.
Here’s what you can do to help:
#1. Mark your calendars. Giving Tuesday takes place on Tuesday, December 1st. Enter the date on your calendar, set an alarm, and get ready to help us meet our goal.
#2. If you don’t already receive our e-newsletters, click the link below to get added to our list so you don’t miss any information. sign-up-for-our-newsletter/
#3. Please share this post with your friends. Thank you for supporting Turtle Survival Alliance. See you on Giving Tuesday!