After three years of effort, the Creative Conservation Alliance and Bangladesh Forest Department, in partnership with the Turtle Survival Alliance, Prokriti O Jibon Foundation, Future for Nature, and IUCN Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group, have succeeded in captive reproduction of the Asian Black Giant Tortoise (Manouria emys phayrei) for the first time in Bangladesh history. Currently, 25 hatchlings of this critically endangered species are being cared for at the CCA’s Turtle Conservation Center in Bhawal National Park. Another 25 are expected to hatch by mid-July. Serendipitously, the first three hatchlings pipped their eggs on May 23rd, World Turtle Day® –.
This success demonstrates our commitment to breeding this endangered species in its native range, and follows successful breeding at our TSA programs in India and Myanmar. It’s with high hopes that these captive-bred tortoises will one day be introduced to the rugged hills of southeastern Bangladesh.
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