Rote Island Snake-necked Turtles Hatch at the TSC

By Cris Hagen The Turtle Survival Center is proud to announce its first ever captive breeding of the critically endangered Rote Island Snake-necked Turtle (Chelodina mccordi). The success of this reproduction is particularly important to the studbook management of this species because it represents a completely new bloodline to the captive population. The male and […]
A Special Moment in Time with the World’s Rarest Turtle

By Clinton Doak When asked, many people will tell you that the happiest day of their lives is either their wedding day or the day their children were born. Truly momentous events in our life are few and far between, and, for some of us, a unique wildlife encounter can certainly rank as equally life-changing. […]
Team Effort Progresses Conservation for the Southern River Terrapin in Cambodia

By Clinton Doak, Andrew Walde, and Jordan Gray The Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Center (KKRCC) in Koh Kong Province, Cambodia, officially opened in November 2017. Begun as an initiative of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and The Royal Government of Cambodia’s Fisheries Administration (FiA), this facility is the only of its kind for breeding and […]
Wildlife Conservationists Remain Steadfast In Efforts To Prevent Extinction of the Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle

New York, April 17, 2019 — Steadfast efforts continue to prevent the extinction of the Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle (Rafetus swinhoei), even with the news that the last known female of the species died on Saturday, April 13, 2019. The 90-year-old plus female turtle died during recovery from anesthesia after an artificial insemination procedure in […]
World’s Rarest Turtle Discovered in Vietnam!

by Jordan Gray A photograph taken of the Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle in Xuan Khanh Lake in May 2017. This photo however did not constitute clear evidence until a DNA sample could verify the species. Photo by: Nguyen Van Trong – ATP/IMC The Asian Turtle Program of Indo-Myanmar Conservation, Washington State University, and Turtle Survival […]
Species Spotlight Vol. 17

Indian Flapshell Turtle (Lissemys punctata) Countries of Origin: Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan IUCN Status: Least Concern (Vulnerable status recommended 2017) Habitat: Marshes, rivers, lakes, ponds, agricultural paddies, brackish estuaries, canals, and ditches Size: ¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† Males ‚⧠23 cm (9 in.)¬† Females ‚⧠35 cm (14 in.) Factoids: Morphologically an evolutionary link between the […]
Faces of the TSA Vol. 17

Who: Rishika Dubla What: Senior Project Officer Where: Terai Project, Bahraich, Uttar Pradesh ¬† How did you first become involved in turtle and tortoise conservation in India? In 2016, I moved back to India from the United Kingdom in search of wildlife related jobs after finishing a degree in Biological Sciences from Oxford University. I […]
Janet test blog
by Jordan Gray ¬† Just as quickly as we said goodbye to most of “Team Radiata 1,” we have said “hello” or “salama” to a new group of amazing wildlife warriors in Ifaty, Madagascar! “Team Radiata 2” arrived from the United States over the weekend and beginning of this week, and again consists of veterinarians, […]
World’s Rarest Turtle Discovered in Vietnam!

The Asian Turtle Program of Indo-Myanmar Conservation, Washington State University, and Turtle Survival Alliance are very excited to announce the confirmation of a Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle (Rafetus swinhoei) living in a lake outside of Hanoi, Vietnam! The now-confirmed specimen increases the global population of the world’s rarest turtle, and unarguably one of the Earth’s […]
Burmese Narrow-headed Softshell Turtles Hatch in Myanmar!

Yangon, Myanmar‚ÄîTSA-Myanmar Director Kalyar Platt has announced the hatching of 67 Burmese Narrow-headed Softshell Turtles (Chitra vandijki) in Myanmar! A critically endangered species, the Burmese Narrow-headed Softshell is endemic to the¬†Ayeyarwady and Chindwin River drainages of the country. On July 23rd, staff members of the TSA and Wildlife Conservation Society’s (WCS) turtle conservation program in […]
Survival in the Sundarbans

With each passing year’s arrival of Spring in the Sundarbans, a time of critical importance emerges for the beleaguered Batagur baska, one of the most imperiled species of chelonian on our planet. Listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN, the Northern river terrapin has seen dramatic declines throughout its entire range and is now either […]
Singapore Workshop Day 4 – Finding Optimism
by¬†Rick Hudson¬†on¬†February 28, 2011 Day 4 finally rolled around and it was time to sit back and listen to presentations on some of what are considered model programs for turtle conservation in the region.¬† First up is the Cuc Phuong Turtle Conservation Center in Vietnam, perhaps the best known and respected of all the regional […]