TSC Hatches Seven Species

by Jordan Gray Autumn is always a busy time at the Turtle Survival Center as we welcome new members of endangered species of turtles and tortoises into the world. In the last two months we have greeted an additional seven species of terrestrial and freshwater turtle to the TSC. 1. Southeast Asian Box Turtle (Cuora […]
CCA Establishes Community Conservation Areas in Bangladesh

By Scott Trageser The past year ended up being a great year for the turtles and tortoises of Bangladesh! Earlier in the year, the Creative Conservation Alliance (CCA) established the first in-country breeding center aimed at establishing breeding populations for any and all of the seven taxa of turtle and tortoise that inhabit the Chittagong […]
Fine Tuning the Strategy to Save Madagascar’s Iconic Radiated Tortoise
by Jordan Gray With the impending rainy season looming and an outbreak of pneumonic plague quickly becoming an epidemic on the island nation of Madagascar, Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) President Rick Hudson and Utah Hogle Zoo’s (UHZ) Christina Castellano had little time to waste this October. On October 9th, after having received last-minute doses of […]
Species Spotlight Vol. 15

by Jordan Gray Yellow (Golden)-headed Box Turtle (Cuora aurocapitata) Countries of Origin: China (Anhui Province) IUCN Status: Critically Endangered Estimated surviving population: Considered functionally extinct Habitat: Clear, fast-flowing, hillside streams Biology and Habits: Little has been documented regarding the wild ecology of the Yellow-headed Box Turtle. A highly aquatic species, this turtle rarely leaves the […]
Radiated Tortoise Seizure – Day 2

by Jordan Gray Ifaty, Madagascar – Triage efforts are underway by our TSA-Madagascar staff and partners in the region for the nearly 10,000 Radiated Tortoises (Astrochelys radiata) seized from a single residence in Toliara on April 10th. All are being temporarily housed at “Villages de Tortues” in Ifaty while they receive initial in-processing, health evaluations, […]
Painted Terrapins found in North Sumatra

by Jordan Gray Our partner Joko Guntoro of the Satucita Foundation reports that in the past two months, two female critically endangered Painted Terrapins (Batagur borneoensis) have been found in the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia. These two specimens are the first Painted Terrapins to be identified by the Satucita Foundation in the province. On […]
Species Spotlight Vol. 11

by Jordan Gray Burmese Star Tortoise (Geochelone platynota) Countries of Origin: Myanmar IUCN Status: Critically Endangered Estimated surviving population: 14,000+ in assurance colonies and in situ sanctuaries. Habitat: Grasslands, scrub forest, and dry forests of the Central Dry Zone of Myanmar, also known as the Irrawaddy Dry Forests. Habits: Burmese Star Tortoises are most active […]
TSA Programs make an Impact for 20 of the Top 25 Most Endangered Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles – 2018

by Jordan Gray A newly released report by the TSA and fellow turtle conservation organizations, collectively known as the Turtle Conservation Coalition, entitled “Turtles in Trouble: The World’s 25+ Most Endangered Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles ‚Äì 2018” shows that tortoises and freshwater turtles are facing an almost unparalleled extinction crisis. This report indicates that over […]
Species Spotlight Vol. 12
by¬†Jordan Gray Radiated Tortoise (Astrochelys radiata) Countries of Origin:¬†Madagascar IUCN Status:¬†Critically Endangered Estimated surviving population:¬†Declining rapidly Habitat:¬†Xeric spiny forests, sandy coastal scrub, and rocky coastal outcroppings of the limestone-based Mahafaly and Karimbola plateaus of southwestern Madagascar. Biology and Habits:¬†Radiated Tortoises are most active during the morning hours of 6:30 ‚Äì 10:00 AM and late afternoon […]
Species Spotlight Vol. 14

by Jordan Gray Southern River Terrapin (Batagur affinis) Countries of Origin: Cambodia, Indonesia (Sumatra, likely extirpated), Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore (reintroduced), Thailand (likely extirpated), and Vietnam (extirpated) IUCN Status: Critically Endangered Estimated surviving population: < 500 adults. Only two actively-protected nesting areas of value remain in the wild. Habitat: Large rivers, mangrove-bordered creeks, and coastal lagoons […]
Update from Madagascar: 4/24/2018, Part 1 of 2

by Jordan Gray Ifaty, Madagascar – Update from Madagascar – April 24, 2018, Part 1 of 2. Yesterday, Monday, April 23, 2018 was the first day on-site for the team of veterinarians, veterinary technicians, husbandry specialists, pathologists, and communications specialists at SOPTOM-Villages des Tortues where the nearly 10,000 Radiated Tortoises (Astrochelys radiata) seized in a […]
World’s Rarest Turtle Discovered in Vietnam!

by Jordan Gray A photograph taken of the Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle in Xuan Khanh Lake in May 2017. This photo however did not constitute clear evidence until a DNA sample could verify the species. Photo by: Nguyen Van Trong – ATP/IMC The Asian Turtle Program of Indo-Myanmar Conservation, Washington State University, and Turtle Survival […]