Crisis in the Philippines: Update from the Field

by¬†Rick Hudson¬† On Friday June 19, the turtle conservation community woke up to a nightmare: 3,800 critically endangered Philippine Forest Turtles (Siebenrockiella leytensis) confiscated in a Chinese warehouse in Palawan and in need of immediate assistance. The images were shocking, sickening: turtles being moved by the truckload to a rescue center not prepared to hold […]

Philippines Crisis Becoming Manageable

by Heather Lowe TSA’s Director of Animal Management Cris Hagen was the first member of the Turtle Survival Alliance staff to arrive in Palawan. After a week on site, Cris reports that “things are finally calming down and I think the general madness is over.” Since arriving, Cris has been helping to release turtles as […]

Ray of Hope for the World’s Most Endangered Turtle

by¬†Heather Lowe¬† The TSA, San Diego Zoo Global and Wildlife Conservation Society’s (WCS) Bronx Zoo recently announced that working in conjunction with Changsha Zoo, Suzhou Zoo¬†and the China Zoo Association, a female Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle (Rafetus¬†swinhoei)‚Äîpotentially the last female of her species‚Äîhas been artificially inseminated.¬†The procedure, which brought together¬†top¬†scientists from China, Australia and the […]

Spotted Pond Turtles Return Home

by¬†Heather Lowe¬† TSA-India had a big reason to celebrate on World Turtle Day®. In coordination with the Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra forest department and the Thane Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), TSA-India assisted in the repatriation of 335 Spotted Pond Turtles (Geoclemys hamiltonii). The animals, which were illegally collected, were rescued over […]

Crisis in the Philippines

by¬†Heather Lowe¬† Dear Members and Friends, Our message today is so urgent, and so important to the continued survival of a critically endangered species, that we are jointly requesting your help alongside our friends at the Turtle Conservancy, Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group, and the Turtle Conservation Fund. Yesterday, authorities in Palawan confiscated more […]

First Turtles Hatch in Belize

by¬†Heather Barrett¬† Over a five-day period in mid-June, seven Central American River Turtles (Dermatemys mawii) hatched at the Hicatee Conservation and Research Center (HCRC). These are the first hatchlings in the captive breeding program established by the TSA at the HCRC based at the BFREE Field Station in southern Belize. Locally known as Hicatee,¬†D. mawii¬†is […]

Radiated Tortoises Seized in Madagascar

by¬†Rick Hudson¬† TSA Madagascar continues to be called on to manage confiscations of tortoises, both at the international airport in Antananarivo and in the rural south. Program Director Herilala Randriamahazo reports that on 20 June, 453 baby Radiated Tortoises (Astrochelys radiata) were seized at the Ivato Airport, all packed in eight cloth bags, and crammed […]

Studying the reproductive ecology of the Toad-headed Turtle

by¬†administrator¬† The Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), with support from Ecopetrol and the Santo Domingo Foundation, are studying Dahl’s Toad-headed Turtle (Mesoclemmys dahli) in the tropical dry forest of Colombia, one of the most threatened ecosystems in the country. First, the research will focus on estimating abundance of the species […]

Reproductive Assessments Conducted in Belize

by¬†Rick Hudson¬† A TSA team recently assembled at the Hicatee Conservation and Research Center (HCRC) for the second round of husbandry evaluations and reproductive exams on our group of 25 Central American River Turtles, or Hicatee, Dermatemys mawii. Located at the Belize Foundation for Research and Environmental Education (BFREE) in southern Belize, this tropical forest […]

Historic Rain Event Floods the Turtle Survival Center

by¬†Heather Lowe While spared the full fury of Hurricane Joaquin, South Carolina has been inundated with historic levels of rain over the past weekend. Unprecedented rainfall levels were recorded in the Charleston Metro Area, including the Turtle Survival Center in Berkeley County, in what has been called a slow-motion rain disaster. As stormy weather settled, […]

The Calm After the Storm

by Rick Hudson Where to start and how to summarize six weeks of whirlwind activity surrounding one of the most critical turtle confiscations that the turtle community has ever been called on to handle? First and foremost we want to say thanks to all of you for your support during the past six weeks. It […]

Kalyar Platt receives the 10th Annual Behler Turtle Conservation Award

by¬†Heather Lowe¬† The Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) is pleased to announce that the 10th Annual John L. Behler Turtle Conservation Award was presented to Kalyar Platt (TSA Turtle Conservation Coordinator, Myanmar) at the 13th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles in Tucson, Arizona on August 9. Kalyar is the […]