Endangered Turtle Care Continues


Dalton State College in North Georgia has moved to remote learning this semester due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), but the turtles at their (TAC) Turtle Assurance Colony, still need care. TAC is part of the Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) global efforts, and is managed by Chris Manis, assistant professor of biology and curator of the […]

Peter Pritchard: Larger Than Life


“Our collective hearts reach out to the Pritchard family on this day of sad news. It’s hard to avoid hyperbole when speaking of Peter. He truly was a “giant” in the field of turtle biology and conservation. For so many, Peter was a trusted mentor and generous friend. He served as a source of inspiration, […]

TSA Webinar #2


In our effort to continue educating turtle lovers of all ages during these trying times, the TSA invites you to join us for our FREE LIVE WEBINAR! Turtles 101: Q & A with Jordan Gray Get YOUR Turtle Questions Ready! In this webinar, the TSA’s Communication and Outreach Coordinator Jordan Gray will teach you the […]

TSA Webinar #4

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In our effort to continue educating turtle lovers of all ages during these trying times, the TSA invites you to join us for our FREE LIVE WEBINAR! Turtles 301: Q & A with Jordan Gray Get YOUR Turtle Questions Ready! In this webinar the TSA’s Communication and Outreach Coordinator Jordan Gray will continue teaching you […]

NAFTRG Conducts Turtle Surveys in Texas

by¬†Heather Lowe¬† The North American Freshwater Turtle Research Group completed its twelfth sampling session of Comal Springs in New Braunfels, Texas on the weekend of February 13-15, 2015. Despite conflicting with the Valentine’s Day holiday, the volunteers’ love for turtles prevailed! A small but determined research crew captured 323 turtles in just two and a […]

Batagur Nests Rescued in India

by Christine Bowie On the evening of March 20, water from a dam on the Upper Chambal River in India was released causing major flooding to three TSA turtle hatcheries along the riverbanks. Fortunately, the TSA field team along with the help of the Uttar Pradesh Forest Department was able to swiftly recover all the […]

TSA Webinar #3

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In our effort to continue educating turtle lovers of all ages during these trying times, the TSA invites you to join us for our FREE LIVE WEBINAR! Turtles 201: Q & A with Jordan Gray Get YOUR Turtle Questions Ready! In this webinar the TSA’s Communication and Outreach Coordinator Jordan Gray will continue teaching you […]

TSC Receives Veterinary Assistance and Expands Tortoise Yards

by¬†Heather Lowe¬† Turtle Survival Center team members Sheena Koeth and Nate Haislip recently paid a visit to one of the TSC’s consulting veterinarians, Dr. Shane Boylan, at the South Carolina Aquarium. ¬† Animal health is a top priority for the turtles at the TSC and the collection is assessed monthly by consulting vet, Dr. Terry […]

TSA Team Deploys to Belize

by Heather Lowe The TSA assembled a team recently to travel to Belize to begin implementation of two grants designed to improve our understanding of the captive reproductive biology of the Central American River Turtle, Dermatemys mawii, locally known as the Hicatee. The grants ‚Äì courtesy of the American Zoo Association and Disney Worldwide Conservation […]

Saving turtles together – AZA SAFE American Turtles Program

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Thom Benson 423-785-3007 Writer: Casey Phillips New national partnership begins to protect America’s turtles, end illegal trafficking Chattanooga, Tenn. (Feb. 25, 2020) ‚Äì Whether they’re hiding them in suitcases, stuffing them into socks or (poorly) disguising them as candy, wildlife traffickers have concocted many schemes to smuggle thousands of turtles out […]

Turtle-y New Gallery Opening at Tennessee Aquarium Next Month


The Turtle Survival Alliance is excited to be partnering with the Tennessee Aquarium in the opening of their new gallery, multiple events, including Drink Beer. Save Turtles. –, and 2020: Year of the Turtle! Read more about this new, must-see exhibitry HERE!

South Carolina Bill Aims to Protect the State’s Turtles, other Reptiles & Amphibians

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“Senate Bill 885 will help protect turtles from exploitation in South Carolina but, more importantly, effectively closes a loophole that fosters the illegal collection of protected turtle species in surrounding states,” said Rick Hudson, president of the Turtle Survival Alliance, a global turtle conservation organization based in Charleston, S.C. “The southeastern United States, including South […]