by Heather Lowe 
Turtle Survival Center team members Sheena Koeth and Nate Haislip recently paid a visit to one of the TSC’s consulting veterinarians, Dr. Shane Boylan, at the South Carolina Aquarium.
Animal health is a top priority for the turtles at the TSC and the collection is assessed monthly by consulting vet, Dr. Terry Norton of the Georgia Sea Turtle Center. However, when diagnostics are required the team brings turtles to the SC Aquarium where Dr. Boylan is able to utilize the Aquarium’s advanced medical equipment.
This particular road trip may actually be unnecessary in the future. Recently a digital x-ray machine was donated by a generous supporter. New equipment, along with numerous other improvements will greatly expand our on-site diagnostic capacity. We continue to be grateful for the Aquarium’s donation of their time and expert medical resources.
The Tortoise Barn, which is home to Impressed Tortoises, Burmese Mountain and Burmese Star Tortoises has been upgraded with the help of some very hard working volunteers. The TSC team, along with volunteers, have expanded the outdoor yard and replaced a chain link fence with a wooden paddock fence. The new fence surrounds the enlarged yard and outdoor pens, as well as the barn itself.
The South Carolina climate is ideal for these species, allowing them to spend much of the year outdoors. This new expanded area will provide plenty of room for all the individuals to roam!