TSA Webinar: A World of Turtles

In our effort to continue educating turtle lovers of all ages during these trying times, the TSA invites you to join us for our FREE LIVE WEBINAR in celebration of World Turtle Day®–! A World of Turtles: Turtle Diversity Across Our Planet In celebration of World Turtle Day®– the TSA will teach you about turtle […]
TSA Webinar # 7

In our effort to continue educating turtle lovers of all ages during these trying times, the TSA invites you to join us for our FREE LIVE WEBINAR! Turtles 401: Q & A with Jordan Gray Get YOUR Turtle Questions Ready! In this webinar the TSA’s Communication and Outreach Coordinator Jordan Gray will continue teaching you […]
TSA Around the World: North America

Get YOUR Turtle Questions Ready! CLICK HERE TO WATCH! In this new webinar series, TSA’s Communication and Outreach Coordinator Jordan Gray takes you around the world to see how the Turtle Survival Alliance makes a positive impact for tortoises and freshwater turtles across our many range-country programs. This week, we begin in North America, and […]
A Giving Tuesday Message from Rick Hudson

As a long-time “zoo man” of 40 years I’ve seen a lot of changes in our field over time, most of them positive. But the impact of COVID-19 has impacted zoos and aquariums in ways I could not have predicted back in early March when the pandemic was finally resonating here in the U.S. This […]
Call to Action: America’s Turtles Need Your Help

SIGN THE CALL TO ACTION LETTER HERE! Wildlife Experts Agree: Native Turtles in the U.S. Are Under Siege From Illegal Collection Combined with other threats, the toll from poaching could wipe out populations of native turtles. For Immediate Release Contacts: Scott Buchanan, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management; 401-782-3720; scott.buchanan@dem.ri.gov Dave Collins, Tennessee Aquarium; 423-785-4081; […]
Painting Happy Turtles!

Let’s paint happy turtles together! Join “Bob Gray” as he happily paints a Painted Terrapin (Batagur borneoensis) using one of the many Coloring Pages offered by the Turtle Survival Alliance. Bob will only not show you all the happy colors of the Painted Terrapin, but also take you on a journey to the island of […]
TSA Webinar #8

In our effort to continue educating turtle lovers of all ages during these trying times, the TSA invites you to join us for our FREE LIVE WEBINAR! YOUR Turtle Questions Answered!: Q & A with Jordan Gray See YOUR Turtle Questions Answered! In this webinar, the TSA’s Communication and Outreach Coordinator Jordan Gray will respond […]
Webinar #5: TSA’s 10 Ways YOU Can Help Turtles on Earth Day!

In our effort to continue educating turtle lovers of all ages during these trying times, the TSA invites you to join us for our FREE LIVE WEBINAR on the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day! TSA’s 10 Ways YOU Can Help Turtles on Earth Day! Let’s talk about how YOU can help turtles! In this webinar, […]
World Turtle Day®– Apparel!

World Turtle Day®–, started by the American Tortoise Rescue in 2000, is observed by the turtle conservation community each year on May 23rd. On this day, we celebrate the diversity, beauty, and preservation of the 350 living species of turtles, tortoises, sea turtles, and terrapins found on Earth. This year, we’re not only celebrating the […]
National Biodiversity Teach-In

Join us for the National Biodiversity Teach In! The TSA is excited to announce that our Communication and Outreach Coordinator, Jordan Gray, will kick-off the National Biodiversity Teach-In this Thursday, April 16th at 12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time. The National Biodiversity Teach-In is a globally viewed webinar series featuring scientists and conservationists from a wide […]
A Message from the President

Dear Valued Supporter, While these are indeed troubled times for turtles, today the same can be said for the people that help ensure their survival. We want you to know that our thoughts are with you ‚Äì our friends, supporters, and partners ‚Äì as we navigate this uncertain and very challenging time. This report will […]
TSA Webinar #1!

In our effort to continue educating turtle lovers of all ages during these trying times, the TSA invites you to join us for our FREE LIVE WEBINAR! Transforming Passion for Turtles into Effective Conservation Action TSA’s Communication and Outreach Coordinator Jordan Gray will take you on a journey around the world to see how passion […]