In our effort to continue educating turtle lovers of all ages during these trying times, the TSA invites you to join us for our FREE LIVE WEBINAR on the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day!

TSA’s 10 Ways YOU Can Help Turtles on Earth Day!
Let’s talk about how YOU can help turtles!
In this webinar, the TSA’s Communication and Outreach Coordinator Jordan Gray will discuss the TSA’s 10 Ways You Can Help Turtles on Earth Day. From helping a turtle cross the road to creating a backyard wildlife habitat, there’s many ways to show turtles you care.
Have your questions ready as this webinar presentation will focus heavily on viewer engagement as we go through our 10 ways you can help our shelled friends. Ask questions as you watch and Jordan will answer them in real time!
There’s no registration, just click this link at 11 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Wednesday, April 22nd to join: CLICK HERE
To receive a¬†Facebook¬†reminder,¬†CLICK “GOING” HERE!
We can’t wait to teach you about helping turtles while celebrating our incredible planet!