by: Rick Hudson
The TSA is pleased to announce the hiring of Gregory Duplant as Project Coordinator for TSA Madagascar’s southern tortoise program. Gregory comes to us from WCS Cambodia and brings a wealth of experience in working with indigenous people and promoting grassroots conservation.
Gregory will be responsible for mobilizing TSA’s Confiscation to Reintroduction strategy for Radiated Tortoises, and is currently overseeing the construction of the third of four tortoise rescue centers in major trafficking centers in the south, where confiscations are most likely to occur. He will also assist in the development and testing of our tortoise release program, while building relationships with local communities to restore and protect tortoise populations.
His energy and adaptability allow him to get things done under trying conditions, and he has a talent from moving from concept to reality in a short time. He has become a valuable asset to the TSA Madagascar team.