Singapore Workshop Day 4 – Finding Optimism

by¬†Rick Hudson¬†on¬†February 28, 2011 Day 4 finally rolled around and it was time to sit back and listen to presentations on some of what are considered model programs for turtle conservation in the region.¬† First up is the Cuc Phuong Turtle Conservation Center in Vietnam, perhaps the best known and respected of all the regional […]

The Hicatee Turtle – Belize’s National Treasure


Belize Foundation for Research and Environmental Education (BFREE), Turtle Survival Alliance, and partners are once again observing October as Hicatee Awareness Month. Throughout the month, activities and events will celebrate the beloved Central American River Turtle (Dermatemys mawii) ‚Äì locally known as the Hicatee. This year’s message encourages national pride of this rare and unique […]

Radiated Tortoise Relief Effort Update


Since Saturday morning, TSA Madagscar lead veterinarian Dr. Ny Aina Tiana Rakotoarisoa and keepers Avimasy, Jos√©, and Tsito have been on the ground performing health assessments and providing medical and husbandry care for the more than 7,000 Radiated Tortoises (Astrochelys radiata) seized from wildlife traffickers in a remote village in southwestern Madagascar. With support from […]

Massive Radiated Tortoise Seizure


For Immediate Release October 27, 2018 Charleston, South Carolina ‚Äì It’s happened again. Only 6 months after more than 10,000 Radiated Tortoises (Astrochelys radiata) were seized in southwest Madagascar, we are heartbroken to announce the government of Madagascar has seized another mind-boggling 7,347 of the critically endangered animals from wildlife traffickers. Packed like sardines, the […]

Team Work Makes The Snapper Dream Work!


This past weekend, our TSA-North American Freshwater Turtle Research Group (TSA-NAFTRG) performed their regular sampling for our long-term population monitoring and species distribution assessment for Western Alligator Snapping Turtles (Macrochelys temminckii) in southeast Texas, and boy, was it a doozy! Joined by Dr. Day Ligon of Missouri State University and Dr. Denise Thompson, the team, […]

Rescued Tortoises Find Save Haven In Madagascar

Great-Wall-of-Tortoises-FINAL-768x576|Group Photo 3 FINAL|Hauling Tortoises to Forest FINAL|Keepers Check Off Tortoises FINAL|Soaking Tortoises 4 FINAL|Tortoise Tai Chi|Great Wall of Tortoises FINAL

In the two weeks since our last update, the TSA Madagscar team deployed to assist the more than 7,000 Radiated Tortoises (Astrochelys radiata) seized from wildlife traffickers in southwestern Madagascar have worked with steadfast resolve. In a remote village near the town of Betioky, veterinarian Dr. Ny Aina Tiana Rakotoarisoa and keepers Avimasy, Jos√©, and […]

Singapore Turtle Conservation Workshop – Day 2

Jordan Gray Feb 2, 2017 Singapore Turtle Conservation Workshop – Day 2 by¬†Rick Hudson¬†on¬†February 23, 2011 On Tuesday morning – day two of the workshop – the seventy workshop participants reviewed the “Red List,” an internationally recognized database of the world’s most vulnerable species. Participants from countries throughout Asia provided the most up-to-date information on […]

Faces of the TSA Vol. 2: John Iverson


Who: Dr. John Iverson What: Biology Research Professor Where: Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, United States Jordan Gray: What is your earliest childhood memory with a turtle or tortoise? John Iverson: As a child, I was drawn to the pet section of every department store I visited where red-eared sliders were always overstocked. I owned a […]

TSA Species Spotlight Vol. 2: Northern river terrapin


Northern river terrapin (Batagur baska) Countries of Origin: India, Bangladesh, Myanmar (extirpated) IUCN Status: Critically Endangered Estimated surviving population: Unknown/Functionally extinct Habitat: Large, muddy, tidal rivers and estuaries associated with the mangrove forests of the Sundarbans. A halotolerant (salt-tolerant) species, B. baska is known from records to enter the saline waters of the Bay of […]

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