Ecology and Conservation of the Yellow-blotched Sawback, an Endemic River Turtle of the Pascagoula River System
The conservation of quality habitat worldwide is regarded as one of the most important aspects for species conservation. To this end, the Pascagoula River system of southeastern Mississippi is considered one of the most pristine and the least impacted major river system of the Lower 48 United States. This river system is also the habitat […]
Arakan Forest Turtle Surveys
The Arakan forest turtle (Heosemys depressa) is endemic to the Arakan Hills of western Myanmar, and considered one of the least known turtles in the world. Heosemys depressa is classified as Critically Endangered by the IUCN due to continuing over-exploitation and its limited distribution. To gain a better understanding of the biology of this poorly […]
Egg-harvesting, Hatching, and Release: A Population Augmentation Tool for Bog Turtles in Tennessee
The bog turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) was first discovered in Tennessee in May, 1986 from two wetland sites within one large valley in the northeastern tip of the state. These captures documented the last known state to be included in the 12-state range of this species in the eastern United States, and the fifth state within […]
A total of 67 turtles from Nagaon Shivasthan Temple pond released into the wild

TSA India’s Northeast team have been busy over the past five days conducting an operation transferring turtles from a temple pond at Nagaon Shiva Temple to the Burachapori Wildlife Sanctuary. The concrete pond held several species of freshwater turtles that were in suboptimal conditions, preventing them from being able to bask or nest. This operation […]
With the help of the Center for Wildlife Research and Conservation Action, a volunteer student network based at Guwahati University’s Zoology Department, we initiated a freshwater turtle education program in the state of Assam (northeast India adjacent to northern Myanmar). This project aims to spread awareness regarding various endangered freshwater turtle species especially Pangshura sylhetensis, […]
Study Says Conservation Efforts for the Giant South American River Turtle Have Protected 147,000 Females

Rick Hudson, President of the Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA), believes that interest in protecting the charapa in South America comes at an opportune moment, as there are still robust populations of river turtles to protect; this is not the case in Asia, where many of turtle species have gone extinct. Hudson said: “The lesson is […]
Alligator Snapper Translocation
Alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) conservation has received substantial attention in Oklahoma for over a decade, starting with a state-wide survey of populations in the 1990s, the results of which triggered the inception of a captive propagation and reintroduction program by Tishomingo National Fish Hatchery and Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. This program is ongoing, and […]
TSA’s 10 Ways YOU Can Help Turtles on World Turtle Day®–!

1. Help a turtle cross the road! Nesting season has begun and turtles will likely be crossing a road near you. Safely move the turtle to the other side of the road in the direction it was heading. 2. Support or start a local turtle conservation project near you! There are 469 types of turtles […]
Largest freshwater turtle nears extinction‚Äîbut this scientist isn’t giving up. The death of the last known female Yangtze giant softshell turtle has pushed scientists to search for wild specimens in China and Vietnam.

“But this year was different,” says Rick Hudson, President of the Board of the Turtle Survival Alliance. “We got the best semen sample we’ve ever gotten. We got the semen directed into the proper oviduct. And everything just went very smooth.” “She just struggled to come out of anesthesia,” he says. To read more from […]
Why don’t we weep for turtles? They are disappearing before our eyes. Dr. Brian Horne, WCS

“Many of my fellow conservationists’ posts joined the backlash against the billionaires who donated hundreds of millions to Notre Dame’s restoration nearly overnight while the search for another female Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle that could save a species from extinction remains understaffed and underfunded. Inevitably, the question would arise: Why don’t we see articles on […]
After Major Poaching Bust in Madagascar, N.H. ‘Turtle Artist’ Swings into Action

(Editor’s note: we highly recommend listening to this story.) “The Turtle Survival Alliance invited Matt Patterson to Madagascar to help study potential places in the wild where they can release them. That meant surveying for edible plants, as well as making sure those in captivity are healthy. It’s part of a multi-step process that Josh […]
Unlocking the Key to Diapause Increases Hatching Success for the Crowned River Turtle

By Arunima Singh, Shailendra Singh, Rishika Dubla, and Jordan Gray A total of 68 hatchling Crowned River Turtles (Hardella thurjii) recently hatched at the Kukrail Gharial Rehabilitation Centre (KGRC) in Lucknow, India, as part of a joint project between Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) / Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)-India and the Uttar Pradesh Forest and Wildlife […]