Update on the captive breeding of the red-crowned roof turtle at the MCBT

For the 5th year the critically endangered red-crowned roof turtle (Batagur kachuga) has reproduced in captivity at the Madras Crocodile Bank Trust (MCBT). The 2009 season saw a maximum production of hatchlings – 29 in all – and these are all doing well, with one month old animals having increased in weight by 50% compared […]

Burmese Roof Turtle Field Report

The field research and conservation program for the endemic Burmese roofed turtle, Batagur trivittata, continues under the WCS Myanmar Program, and is based on the Upper Chindwin River. The primary goal is to study the remnant nesting population, protect nests, and collect hatchlings for headstarting at the Yadanabon Zoo. The eventual goal is to begin […]

Building Partnerships to Save Madagascar’s Imperiled Tortoises

Southwestern MadagascarThe tortoises of southwestern Madagascar are in serious trouble, but fortunately a remarkable duo of devoted tortoise conservationists are working on their behalf through the Village des Tortues at Ifaty. Bernard Devaux and Olivier Razandrimamilafiniarivo (Mami, for short) are running the largest tortoise facility in the south specifically created for these critically endangered tortoises. […]

Recent Acquisition of Northern Spider Tortoises

On the captive management side of things, the TSA is pleased to announce the recent acquisition of 9.12 Northern spider tortoises (Pyxis a. brygooi) from a private breeder. This nearly doubled the PMP managed population of brygooi in the U.S. and the specimens were placed with three institutions (Cleveland Metroparks, San Diego and Knoxville Zoos) […]

Preliminary results of community based monitoring of the Radiated Tortoise at Lavavolo Classified Forest, Madagascar

The radiated tortoise (Astrochelys radiata) inhabits the dry spiny forests of southern and southwestern Madagascar. Regarded as a flagship species of the region, the existence of A. radiata is threatened by habitat destruction, illicit collection for local consumption and illegal trade in international markets. Poaching of the tortoises is continuous year-round but predominantly occurs in […]

The Sunderban Batagur

After obtaining a six-month permit from the West Bengal state forestry department, we began our conservation efforts for the critically endangered river terrapin, Batagur baska. The recent phylogenetic work by Peter Praschag and colleagues identified the Indian populations of Batagur baska to be genetically distinct from other populations in Southeast Asia. Peter’s findings made it […]

TSA Members Raise Funds for Madagascar

TSA members are beginning to come up with innovative ways to generate funds for TSA’s Madagascar program. Lisa Weiss is offering some of here 2009-hatched Furrowed wood turtles (Rhinoclemmys areolata) for sale to TSA members, with the majority of proceeds going to support TSA’s Madagascar tortoise program. The turtles are priced at $250.00 each, $150.00 […]

TSA Africa is Born

The African division of the Turtle Survival Alliance has been created and is based in Senegal, a small country in West Africa. The chairman of the group is Tomas Diagne, an agronomist who is also member of IUCN/TFTSG. TSA Africa’s main objective is the study and conservation of land tortoises and freshwater turtles and their […]

The Slow and Steady Conservation of the Asian Giant Tortoises


After three years of effort, the Creative Conservation Alliance and Bangladesh Forest Department, in partnership with the Turtle Survival Alliance, Prokriti O Jibon Foundation, Future for Nature, and IUCN Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group, have succeeded in captive reproduction of the Asian Black Giant Tortoise (Manouria emys phayrei) for the first time in Bangladesh […]

A New Future for Turtle Conservation in Malaysia

by TSA Admin on August 01, 2009 Turtle conservation in Malaysia is set to enter a new and exciting era with the country’s current King, who is also the Sultan of Terengganu giving the nod to the establishment of a turtle institute under his foundation, the Sultan Mizan Royal Foundation. The institute is the brainchild […]

Batagur headstarting facility at maximum capacity

There was good news recently for a rare species of River Terrapin (Batagur baska, now re-classified as Batagur affinis) in the Sre Ambel area of Cambodia’s coastal region, with the successful hatching of 23 eggs on a beach in the Sre Ambel River.The Fisheries Administration and WCS have been working with communities in the Sre […]

Alternative Livelihood and Socio-Economic Programs

With the collaborative support of the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund and the Beneficia Foundation, we are trying to develop a major intervention program through resource assessment and eco-friendly alternative livelihood options for different socio-economic groups to reduce the anthropogenic pressures on the river ecosystem. During the first phase of the program, we surveyed a 100 […]