Malagasy Tortoise Coordinator Hired

We are pleased to announce that the TSA has hired Herilala Randriamahazo,¬†a long ‚Äì time tortoise conservation biologist, as our full-time Malagasy Tortoise Conservation Coordinator. He started on September 1 and will work out of the office of the Henry Doorly Zoo’s Madagascar Biodiversity Program in the capitol city of Antananarivo. HDZ will provide him […]
Disappointing Dermatemys Surveys

by Thomas Rainwater on May 22, 2010 On May 7th, we traveled back to Gales Point to survey Northern Lagoon. As is the case with Southern Lagoon, local biologist Kevin Andrewin and others informed us that Dermatemys is mostly found in the rivers and creeks feeding into the lagoon rather than the lagoon itself. We […]
Hard Work in Belize

by Dr. Thomas Rainwater on May 12, 2010 On April 30, we set out to survey Cook’s Lagoon, Cook’s Creek, and Mussel Creek in central Belize. These are areas that Don Moll surveyed for Dermatemys in the early 1980s. Mussel Creek leads to Cook’s Creek, which then leads to Cook’s Lagoon. Our plan was to […]
Don’t Mess with the Bees in Belize!

by Dr. Thomas Rainwater on May 07, 2010 On April 28, we traveled to Gales Point to survey Southern Lagoon. We met with Kevin Andrewin, a Belizean biologist and conservationist who has been working with manatees and hawksbill turtles for years in Southern Lagoon and throughout Belize. He and other residents of Gales Point told […]
Updates from Belize – Surveys Begin!

by Dr. Thomas Rainwater on April 23, 2010 We’ve been in the field for a week and have surveyed 4 rivers in the south of Belize: the Rio Grande, Golden Stream, Moho River, and Temash River. Multiple NGOs in southern Belize have been extremely helpful during our time here, and we would have been much […]
Team TSA in Asia- September 2009

This report is the third to chronicle the daily activities of a TSA team’s visit to four countries in Asia ‚Äì Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia and Philippines – to design turtle facilities, develop conservation programs, and consult on turtle husbandry issues. The team is led by Rick Hudson and includes Bill Zeigler, Lonnie McCaskill and Dave […]
Team TSA in Madagascar – Part 1

by Rick Hudson on March 18, 2010 Team Madagascar is Rick Hudson (Fort Worth Zoo/TSA), Brian Horne (San Diego Zoo/TSA), Bonnie Raphael, DVM and Berni Leahy (Wildlife Conservation Society). We are guided by Herilala Randrianmahazo (WCS Madagascar) and accompanied by Tsanta, a 5th year veterinary student. Goals and objectives: 1) Assist the WCS veterinary team […]
Radiated Tortoises at a Critical Crossroads

Shortly after arriving in the small town of Beloha, word of our arrival spread quickly. Not many “vazas”, a Malagsy term for light skinned foreigners, come to this area of Madagascar, especially ones studying tortoises. We definitely drew some curious stares and in a manner of minutes we had offers to see tortoises. Although there […]
New at the National Zoo: Home’s Hinge-back Tortoises

These animals came to the National Zoo from the Turtle Survival Alliance in South Carolina to participate in the Species Survival Plan. All are around 4 years old. Tortoises take a long time to become sexually mature, so we are quite a few years away from any breeding attempts. Read more HERE:
Back in China – 2010
by Dr. Gerald Kuchling on April 21, 2010 Dr. Gerald Kuchling recently sent in this update from the Suzhou Zoo in China, where he has returned to spearhead another breeding attempt for the Yangtze giant softshell turtle (Rafetus swinhoei): A quick update from China: I and Guundie (note: Dr. Kuchling’s wife), Dr. Lu Shunqing (Wildlife […]
Central American River Turtle Program off to a good start in Belize
by Rick Hudson on April 16, 2010 The TSA’s goal to create a sustainable conservation program for one of the world’s most heavily exploited turtles, Dermatemys mawii, finally saw some progress recently with the arrival of Dr. Thomas Rainwater in Belize. With funding from the Turtle Conservation Fund (TCF) and the Mohammed bin Zayed Species […]
Chelonian Visitor Center opens in Vietnam
The Turtle Survival Aliance is pleased to announce the opening of the Chelonian Visitor Center in Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam. The visitor center represents the region’s first visitor interpretation center focused exclusively on the conservation of turtles and freshwater turtles. The new educational facilities incorporate a range of interpretive displays and exhibits including underwater […]