by Jordan Gray
Ifaty, Madagascar – Update from Madagascar – April 24, 2018, Part 2 of 2.
Immediately upon arrival, the over 1000 lbs. (484 kg) of medical supplies that were brought with our team from the United States were unpacked and organized so that the veterinary team could immediately begin evaluations and treatments for the hundreds of sick animals, many of them clinging onto life.
Likewise, the husbandry team set about with the crucial task of ensuring all of the tortoises throughout the forested enclosures received isolated freshwater soaks. This simultaneously allowed the tortoise to receive critically-needed hydration as well as allow the technicians to individually evaluate the tortoises. Any animals deemed in need of medical treatment were immediately delivered to the veterinary team, while deceased animals were taken to Ken Conley for necropsy.
In the forested enclosures, the husbandry team evaluated and provided hydration for nearly 4,000 tortoises, sending dozens of sick or underweight tortoises to the veterinarians, as well as numerous deceased animals to necropsy. Overall however, the team felt a large contingent of the tortoises were in relatively good condition considering the ordeal they have been through. This can be largely attributed to the incredible husbandry efforts by the small team of Villages des Tortues and TSA-Madagascar staff, and local volunteers.
In the clinic, the veterinary team evaluated and provided treatment for 542 tortoises, many of which were already under treatment from Drs. Rakotoarisoa (TSA) and Rasolozaka (DWCT). Due in part to the incredible efforts put forth over the past week by these two veterinarians, dozens of tortoises were deemed to be complete of their treatments and were transferred back to the forested enclosures.
Stay tuned for our next report from Ifaty!
To aid our team in the substantial rescue effort and the long-term rehabilitation and care for these critically endangered Radiated Tortoises DONATE TODAY!
Photo credits: Jordan Gray
Dallas Zoo (DZ), Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden (OKCZ),Utah’s Hogle Zoo (UHZ), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Zoo Knoxville (ZN), Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust(DWCT), The Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA)
 Please DONATE TODAY to save these tortoises, and assist with the largest tortoise rescue effort in our history!

Additionally, if you are a zoological institution, private practice, husbandry technician, or additional support personnel interested in assisting, please contact Andrew Walde, Chief Operations Officer, directly at