by Jordan Gray
Ifaty, Madagascar – TSA Madagascar is getting the job done as Team Radiata #1 nears arrival at Village des tortues. This, from Aina Tiana Rak-“Six local volunteers from different institutions joined us yesterday at Village des tortues. They helped to soak, build shelter houses, and distribute water for the tortoises!”!

Helping hands for the Radiated Tortoises.

Carrying water to keep the tortoised hydrated.
Support from the global conservation community has been incredible, and we are extremely thankful for the multitude of individuals and organizations that have begun pouring in donations and supplies. The fight to save these tortoises will not be easy and will not be quick. We expect to send multiple teams to Madagascar over the coming weeks and months to assist in the effort. And we will continue to need your support! We humbly ask that you make a donation to save the lives of these beautiful, charismatic, and critically endangered tortoises.
Please DONATE TODAY to save these tortoises, and assist with the largest tortoise rescue effort in our history!
Additionally, if you are a zoological institution, private practice, husbandry technician, or additional support personnel interested in assisting, please contact Andrew Walde, Chief Operations Officer, directly at