Get your coloring tools ready. In our effort to help engage turtle lovers of all ages in a fun, artistic, and educational outlet, we are holding our first-ever TSA Coloring Pages Art Contest. To participate just follow the rules below!

Here are the rules:
– Choose one coloring page HERE: Turtle Coloring Pages
– One coloring page submission per contestant
– Contestants can use any medium (e.g. crayons, markers, paint)
– Contest will close at 11:59 PM, Friday, April 24th
– Contest will be broken into 3 age categories: 0-7, 8-15, 16 and above
– 1 winner from each age category will be announced Wednesday, April 29th
– The 3 winning entries will be featured on our website and social media
– DO NOT post your entries in the comments section below
– Take a photo or scan your entry
– All entries MUST BE emailed to
– All entries should include the artist’s name and age
Prize will be shipped right to the winner’s doors!
Winner’s Prize: TSA T-Shirt, TSA pen, TSA window decal
Be creative and have fun! We can’t wait to receive your entries!
**By submitting your art to the TSA Coloring Page Art Contest you are giving us permission to use your image, as well as your name and age on social media**