by Jordan Gray 
TSA Species Spotlight

Photo courtesy of Chris Leone, the Turtle Room
Spotted pond turtle (Geoclemys hamiltonii)
Countries of Origin: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan
IUCN Status: Vulnerable
Estimated surviving population: Unknown/Declining
Habitat: Rivers, ponds, oxbows and flooded forests with high-vegetative cover.
Size: Females and Males ≤ 35 cm
Factoid: Spotted pond turtles are primarily carnivorous, feeding heavily on aquatic snails. Their large, muscular jaws aid them in crushing the calcified structure of the mollusk’s shell.
Greatest Threats: Regarded as one of the most beautiful species of turtles on Earth, this species has seen an escalation in poaching for the illegal black-market pet trade.
How you can help: TSA-India and TSA-Bangladesh are regularly called upon to provide care for spotted pond turtles seized from the illegal black-market trade. The Turtle Survival Center supports a colony of this species comprised of animals seized from illegal trade. To support the TSA in these efforts please donate at